Sunday, December 31, 2017

December 31st, 1977

The Ramones played the Rainbow Theater in London, England. The show was recorded and released as the bands first live album It's Alive.

Saturday, December 16, 2017

December 16th, 1989

The Ramones played The Ritz in NY, NY.


1. "Durango 95"
2. "Teenage Lobotomy"
3. "Psycho Therapy"
4. "Blitzkrieg Bop"
5. "Do You Remember Rock 'N' Roll Radio?"
6. "I Believe In Miracles"
7. "Gimme Gimme Shock Treatment"
8. "Rock 'N' Roll High School"
9. "I Wanna Be Sedated"
10. "Beat On The Brat"
11. "I Wanna Live"
12. "Bonzo Goes To Bitburg"
13. "Go Mental"
14. "Sheena Is A Punk Rocker"
15. "Rockaway Beach"
16. "Pet Semetary"
17. "Don't Bust My Chops"
18. "She's The One"
19. "Mama's Boy"
20. "Animal Boy"
21. "Wart Hog"
22. "Surfin' Bird"
23. "Cretin Hop"
24. "I Don't Wanna Walk Around With You"
25. "Today Your Love Tomorrow The World"
26. "Pinhead"
27. "Chinese Rock"
28. "Somebody Put Something In My Drink"
29. "California Sun"
30. "Merry Christmas (I Don't Want To Fight Tonight)"
31. "I Just Want To Have Something To Do"
32. "We're A Happy Family"
33. "Indian Giver"
34. "Judy Is A Punk"

Friday, December 1, 2017

"Weird Al" Covers the Ramones!

Dr. Demento Covered In Punk will be released on January 12th, 2018. The two-hour special will be structured like one of Dr. Demento's original radio shows and along with "Weird Al" will feature cover versions of classic songs performed by the Misfits, Joan Jett, Fred Schneider, Adam West and William Shatner along with many more. Check out "Weird Al's" Ramones cover below and learn more about the release HERE.